Donation to Ukraine
Axel Johnson is together with the companies within the group donating SEK 5 million, more than 460 000 euros, to UNHCRs relief work in Ukraine and the neighboring countries.
Mia Brunell Livfors, CEO of Axel Johnson :
”These are very serious times for the whole of Europe. As a company we are following the development carefully, from the perspective of our businesses and in order to act responsibly and in line with sanctions. But I am convinced that many of us, as citizens and humans, feel that the short-term economic effects are a secondary concern, compared to the security policy and humanitarian consequences of the Russian invasion.
Axel Johnson is therefore, together with its group companies, donating SEK 5 million to the efforts of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians in need."