The Periodic General Inspection

A legal obligation for companies

In order to ensure the safety of the worker, the French Labour Code requires employers to periodically check lifting equipment. This inspection applies to all lifting devices and accessories, in particular those referred to in the appendix to the order of March 1, 2004, whether or not they are mechanically driven, including, if applicable, their supports.


Regulatory context

Article R. 4323-23 of the French Labor Code; Order of March 1, 2004; General safety requirements defined in article L. 4121-1 of the French Labor Code



In accordance with the requirements of articles 23 and 24 of the order of March 1, 2004, lifting devices and accessories must be checked every 12 months. However this periodicity is:

- 6 months for lifting devices subject to frequent movements that do not require the assembly or disassembly of major parts, or the installation of special supports. This applies in particular to lifting devices with arms not permanently installed on a fixed or mobile support.

- 3 months for lifting devices, moved by human force used directly, used to move in elevation a workstation.


Your goals

  • Ensure the prevention of risks for the employee by detecting in time any deterioration likely to create dangers.
  • Increase the availability of your equipment.
  • Comply with the regulations and the French Labour Code.


Our assistance

  • Periodic general inspection of lifting devices and/or accessories in the workshop or on site (via certified service company).
  • Maintenance / repair according to manufacturers' recommendations.
  • Restarting of all repairs according to regulations with test bench.


In case of default

The inspection of lifting equipment is a legal obligation imposed by the decree of March 1, 2004 on the inspection of lifting equipment and accessories.

In case of failure to perform these controls, the risks incurred are multiple:

  • The risk of an accident that could result in bodily injury or property damage increases;
  • In case of an accident, the insurance does not cover the costs;
  • The company may be subject to financial penalties of up to 3,750 euros per employee concerned;
  • Legal proceedings and penal sanctions of up to 5 years imprisonment and 75,000 euros fine.


Need to have your lifting equipment checked?

If you would like more information on the Periodic General Inspection of lifting equipment or if you need to have yours checked, contact us!

Discover each year the colour of the seals used for our Periodic General Inspections.

A choice based of the IMO colour system