Certificate for lifting products

Quality - Traceability - Safety

  1. Respect of the physical and moral integrity of our employees
  2. "listening, availability, equipment quality, reactivity"
  3. Respect for our customers and suppliers

Since its creation in 1967, TRACTION LEVAGE has based its action on strong values in terms of commitment and service to its customers.

Since 1996, the date of its first accreditation, the company has been committed to a quality policy combining change and continuity.

This philosophy of service integrating listening, availability and reactivity is today recognised by:

These commitments defined in the customer charter involve the executive team, all our employees and our supplier partners, in order to ensure that quality is a permanent priority.

This approach is reinforced internally through strict respect for the physical and moral integrity of our employees and environmental awareness at all levels of our organisation. 

This approach has led us in recent years to:

Traction Levage's commitment is recognised by ISO certification.

Click on the logos below to see our ISO certifications.

Traction Levage is certified ISO 14001 : 2015 | © Traction Levage

Traction Levage is certified ISO 45001 : 2018 | © Traction Levage

Traction Levage is certified ISO 9001 : 2015 | © Traction Levage

Our Gardanne's agency is certified ISO 9120 : 2018 | © Traction Levage

Click on one of the images below to discover our commitments to quality, safety, the environment and ethics.