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To ensure the safety of workers and compliance with the Labour Code, we carry out periodic general checks of your devices and accessories. Our support is as follows:

  • We check your devices and accessories in the workshop or on site
  • Maintenance and repair follow manufacturers' recommendations
  • Return to service is accompanied by a test bench
  • The risks are reduced and your equipment is more efficient

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Proper maintenance of your hydraulic systems is vital to avoid unnecessary production shutdowns, costs and hazardous situations.

  • We follow the manufacturers' instructions for maintenance
  • We always use original spare parts
  • the device is always subjected to a dynamic test
  • Your devices will be safe and reliable

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We perform an internal and non-destructive examination of the wire ropes to identify external and internal broken wires, deformations and corrosion on the wire ropes. This process has many advantages:

  • It is contactless because it uses the magnetic properties of the wire rope
  • It allows a more complete assessment of the condition of a cable
  • It detects internal faults of the wire rope without damaging it
  • It is therefore a good complement to conventional visual inspection

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They trust the magnetic rope testing

Rob Hennekens
Koen van Kollenburg